It is the handmade artwork that makes life cheerful.
Holiday Cheer (Washi Tape Application 紙膠帶運用)

www.hello.com 魔卡挑戰 # 74 -- MCC 構圖 9
This was a last-minute card made for More Cards Challenge (MCC) which I have been an honored DT for almost three years!
MCC #74 is a sketch challenge as follows:
I will also enter the following challenges:
1. Paper Smooches Sparks Challenge (Nov. 19-25 Cool Shades Challenge)
I normally don’t fall for cute or whimsical images and styles. But this Cyber Café of Paper Smooches –caught my eyes immediately!
2. Tuesday Trigger (Frame by Frame) of Moxie Fab World and Paper Crafts Connection, since I I incorporated a Decorative Doily frame.
3. Paper Crafts Connection November Gallery Challenge - Decorative Tape since I used several washi tapes!
Card Details
1. All stamps are by Paper Smooches
2. Decorative Doily die is by My Favorite Things
3. Washi Tapes are by Mark’s and MT Deco.
Absolutely Thinking of You

Thanks ~ Fantasy in Fall

Thanks So Very Much (Square Punch Challenge)
I made this card for the following challenges:
1.Stampin' Royalty Challenge #149 Color Challenge
2.Moxie Fab World The Square Punch Challenge:
I used punched squares to make chevron patterns without cutting the squares into triangles.
3.Moxie Fab World The Stitching & Sewing Challenge:
4.365 Cards Day 253 Thrift Thursday:
I used several DIY patterned paper stashes which are over one year (Oh my!) and the text stamp was from 2012 Stampin’ Up SAB free set which is definitely an amazing deal!
All stamps and the 1" Square Punch are by Sampin’ Up and the flower die cut is by Simon Says Stamps.
Thinking of You 魔卡挑戰 # 73 -- 烙印技法 (或稱仿金屬(Faux Metal)技法)
這次魔卡挑戰的主題是烙印技法,和一般通稱的仿金屬(Faux Metal)技法概念是一致的,最大差別在於使用的燙凸粉種類,若為金屬系列如金銀銅等,則稱為仿金屬,其他燙凸粉則泛稱烙印!
1. 所有印章圖案出自 Hero Arts
2. 浮雕版出自Stampin’ Up
3. 背景紙技法為Sanding Embossed Paper,先蓋上文字背景,壓凸紋路,再用Sanding Block將凸起紋路之文字磨褪。
4. 烙印技法在魔卡挑戰#73中咖啡儒媽老師有詳細步驟說明,大家亦可參考下列網址:
Faux Metal by Beate Johns at Splitcoaststampers
Faux Metal by Kristina Werner at Two Peas in a Bucket (影音教學)
5. 此卡同時參加下列挑戰
Pals Paper Arts PPA146 - A Classy Color Challenge
Simon Says ..... Thinking of You / Sympathy Challenge
A Blog Named Hero CHALLENGE #15 THE OL' 1 - 2 PUNCH
Holiday Season ~ Partial Dry Emboss (2) 局部浮雕技法
這張卡和前一張卡都是利用Tim Holtz/Sizzix EMBOSSING DIFFUSERS做出局部浮雕的效果,這張只有圓圈部分有浮雕紋路,而前張卡則是圓圈外面有浮雕紋路。哈!真是佩服手藝人的創意啊!也很高興手上的浮雕片又有更多玩法了!
1. 所有印章出自Hero Arts。
2. 浮雕板出自Spellbinders M-Bossabilities。
3. 在Jennifer McGuire & Kritina Werner共同開設的網路課程A Cut above(今年四月)和Holiday Card Workshop(剛結束)中,兩位老師對Partial Dry Emboss (局部浮雕)技法都有詳細示範,不過因為是付費課程,不方便將上課影音檔向公眾分享。Helen在Youtube上找到以下兩個影音教學,希望對大家有幫助,有興趣的同好不妨參考!
Tim Holtz for Sizzix Diffusers (by Cropstop)
Embossing Diffuser (by StampSchool)
4. 這張卡同時參加Hero Arts November Challenge Bring on the Bling挑戰
和A Blog Named Hero CHALLENGE #15 THE OL' 1 - 2 PUNCH挑戰
Season’s Greeting ~ Partial Dry Emboss (1)

This card was also inspired by a card made by Cristina Kowalczyk for Holiday Card Workshop (http://www.onlinecardclasses.com/holidaycardworkshop/class-info/ )Day 3. The technique involved is Partial Dry Embossing. (Sorry! The card and class content are only for paid students!)
Card Details
1. All stamps are by Hero Arts.
2. Emboss Folder is from Spellbinders M-Bossabilities.
3. Snowflake die is from Cuttlebug and Folded Banner die is from Simon Says Stamps.
4. Partial Dry Emboss effect is done using Tim Holtz/Sizzix EMBOSSING DIFFUSERS.
5. Challenges entered:
Hero Arts November Challenge Bring on the Bling
A Blog Named Hero #15 THE OL' 1 - 2 PUNCH
CAS-ual Fridays CFC77-Create a new Clean And Simple masculine project
My previous Partial Emboss Card
Holiday Cheer ~ Masking and Reverse Masking (遮蔽技法與反遮蔽計法之運用)

These three cards were inspired by a card made by Cristina Kowalczyk for Holiday Card Workshop Day 4 ! (Sorry! The card and class content are only for paid students!)
Cristina used Reversed Making in her card while I combined Simple Masking with Reverse Masking for these three cards which are in fact postcards!
Card Details
1. All stamps are by Hero Arts
2. I applied Ranger Glitz Stickles Ruby Slippers to the center of the flower, making it bling, which happens to be the Theme of Hero Arts November Challenge!
Extended Reading
泛談聚焦法(Spotlight)- 遮蔽技法(Masking)之運用